PeopleByName is offering you accurate people search and reverse phone lookup!
PeopleByName is the next generation of people search and reverse phone lookup engine.
PeopleByName.com is the leading reverse phone lookup provider in the industry. With over 1 billion rows in it's database it is able to reverse lookup virtually any phone number in the US and Canada. The information associated with a phone number is full name, address and in most cases history of the person that owns it.
We have been providing people search services since early 2008. Since we have started we were able to enormously expand both our technology and our databases in our continuous quest to provide our customers with the freshest and most accurate data on the market.
By initially looking at our competitors' data we realized that we can build a way bigger and better people search database than what's already out there. This is why we started PeopleByName.com.
Combining the talents of the partners who started PeopleByName.com we were able to leverage their expertise in large scale databases and data handling, search engine and data aquisition technologies.
Last but not least our customers are the ones who actually make us successful. By providing excellent customer support, we are able to retain our customers longer and obtain new word of mouth clients.