Why is PeopleByName.com better than other services?
The main reason why we are better than our competitors is our database! Being updated regulary and with over 1.3 billion records combined from United States and Canada it's hard for us not to find the information you are seeking.
Because we understand that wrong information can cause more problems than it helps, we work much harder to ensure accurate, up to-date reports.
Why do most people use reverse phone lookup services?
There are a lot of reasons, but some of the more common reasons we hear about are:
Searching for out of touch friends/family, stop "spam" calls from debt collectors, look up anyone using unknown caller id's, unknown text messages, cheating spouses etc.
What kind of information is accessible?
We can provide you with the follow information when available through a specific report:
Full name, current address, address history, phone number, phone number history, age, date of birth, relatives, background check (when available).
Will the person know that I am researching him or her?
Your search is confidential.
He or she will receive no notification that you have looked up his/her phone number or learned anything about them. With that said, we are never exchanging information with any third party companies about your search history.
Click HERE and start your search today!
How long does it take to get the information?
Information is being delivered within seconds after you complete you order.
For more complicated searches on unlisted numbers, your wait will be a little longer, but never longer than 24 hours, as one of our specialists has to research your number manually.
Are there are any hidden charges or automatic billing?
No hidden charges. We have both single lookup and monthly membership packages.
Single lookups are charged on a one time basis and do not automatically rebill, ever.
The monthly membership gives you unlimited lookups, and it costs $29.99 and rebills every 30 days unless you cancel. Canceling is easy. You can cancel your membership any time inside your account, calling our toll free number or sending us a support ticket.
Do you guarantee your results?
We offer a limited "No Result No Charge" guarantee. The details are included below. Please keep in mind that we will do our best to try to locate the individual you are seeking. We are accessing records that are recorded by public institutions, and reporting the results to you. You are paying for our service of searching for the information, not the results.
If your search returns no results, PeopleByName.com will not take a credit from your account, so you can run another search.
Aren't some reverse phone lookup services free?
Not legitimate ones! In fact many so called "free" reverse cell phone searches require you to complete special offers such as applying for (unwanted) credit cards, buying stamps, etc. Our phone search is legitimate, affordable, and has a huge database to provide the best reverse phone search results for you.
Can I use this service to lookup cell phone numbers?
Yes! Even though neither the Yellow nor the White Pages list cell phone numbers, our service has a database of over 1.2 billion phone numbers including phone history reports, ensuring you get the most accurate & detailed report possible!
Will my personal information that I sign up with be added to your loookup Database?
Absolutely not! The only data we use is from our data providers and would never add any of your personal information you provide us into our search records.
How can I close my account?
Just login to your account and go to the Close Account menu. This will remove all of your information and search history from our website.
How can I remove my private information from your website?
We care about your privacy, please visit this link to submit a removal request.